If I go before you, I don’t know if I’m putting you on the right path.
If you walk in front of me, I don’t know if you will lead me to the right path.
If I walk beside you, we will find the right path together.
African saying
Patrick Apolinarski
Celal Basar
Software Developer
Jeanny Baumann
Customer Project Manager
Gunna Binder
Tobias Bohlmann
Software Developer
Gert Brinkmann
Software Developer
Julian Cortemme
Customer Project Manager
Philipp Czaika
Customer Operations Manager
Konstanze Dallmeyer
Jan Ehren
Software Developer
Felix Enning
System Administrator
Arthur Falarz
Software Developer
Inga Fischer
Software Developer
Katja Goosses
Director People & Organisational Development
Stefan Habetz
Technical Consultant
Robert Hagemann
System Administrator
Helge Halling
Scrum Master
Daniel Hof zum Ahaus
Software Developer
Simon Jansen
Software Developer
Maike Kahmann
Software Developer
Magdalena Kim
Customer Operations Manager
Jasmin Klimek
Customer Project Manager
Jürgen Kraus
Senior Sales Manager
Patrick Kuckelsberg
Software Developer
Jörg Kunert
Customer Operations Manager
Martin Lorenc
Software Developer
Isabel Mathenia
Head of Customer Operations - Services
Anna Matzinger
Customer Project Manager
Robin Meermeyer
Software Developer
Georgi Mihov
Malte Oschlies
Product Owner
Jan-Christian Ott
Customer Operations Manager
Gregor Pardella
Product Owner
Melina Pauli
People Manager
Michael Pohl
Technical Consultant
Sascha Printz
Sales Manager
Jörn Reder
Software Architect
Anke Reinhardt
Management Assistant
Daniel Rubin
Software Developer
Jana Scheufen
Customer Project Manager
Eugen Schlegel
Software Developer
Moritz Schneider
Head of Product Retail
Patrick Schröder
Director Sales RETAIL & Digital Signage
Maren Seufert
Scrum Master & Process Coach
Sabine Tonn
Software Developer
Henrik Tonn-Eichstädt
Product Owner
Damaris von der Mark
People Manager - Recruiting & Employer Branding
Christoph Wagner
Software Architect
Henning Werth
Technical Consultant
Andrea Wissen
Product Owner
Marko Wöhler
Director Product & Development
And there are even more of us — currently the team consists of 65 people, of whom we unfortunately could not get all of them in front of the camera yet.
You share our enthusiasm for the fair and retail market? Do you love convincing customer experiences? And are you into strong team play? Then find out about our vacancies now.