Vernetzte Menschen
Fair Experience


Reli­able basic soft­ware appli­ca­tions for trade show events. Com­bined with inno­va­tions that exploit the undreamt-of poten­tial of data. Act with fore­sight now and secure a dig­i­tal edge!

Our soft­ware appli­ca­tions are the com­plete solu­tion for orga­niz­ing trade shows and at the same time enablers for dig­i­tal­ly extend­ing trade show experiences. 

At the touch­points of the cus­tomer jour­ney, our mod­ules uni­form­ly col­lect and store data on indi­vid­ual vis­i­tor behav­ior and inter­ests. These insights enable high­ly per­son­al­ized mar­ket­ing, max­i­mum ser­vice ori­en­ta­tion and, as a result, new busi­ness mod­els and dig­i­tal rev­enue streams.

The data sov­er­eign­ty lies sole­ly with the organizer.

230613 DIME Grafiken Plattform

Soft­ware appli­ca­tions Web & App

Einlass Neu

Visitor Management

Seamless coordination. A perfectly matched cogwheel for implicitly high visitor management expectations. Access window for personalized communication.

Leadtracking neu


Digital lead tracking for customer acquisition. Fast, simple, efficient. Save exhibitors time and personnel costs. Ensure sales success.


Datenbank & Dashboard

A digital database that turns trade shows into a forum and brings people together. Learning from search and visit behavior and personalizing service.



Everything under one roof. Before, during and after the event. Sustainable customer loyalty, real insights, new sales opportunities.

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The Data Plat­form is an all-in-one solu­tion con­sist­ing of indi­vid­ual appli­ca­tion mod­ules. It serves as a com­plete solu­tion, but can also be flex­i­bly adapt­ed to exist­ing cus­tomer-spe­cif­ic inte­gra­tions. The com­bi­na­tion of mod­ules cre­ates a con­tin­u­ous­ly grow­ing added val­ue for ser­vice, mar­ket­ing and dig­i­tal revenues.

Tools im Tach Stack

  • Java
  • Node.js
  • MySQL
  • Mon­goDB
  • Redis
  • Solr
  • Elas­tic­search
  • Kaf­ka (Event-Stream­ing)
  • Kong API Gateway

For us prerequisite:

  • White label solu­tion with user-friend­ly frontend
  • Respon­sive archi­tec­ture & design
  • Indi­vid­ual con­fig­u­ra­tion tool for rule definitions
  • Cus­tomiza­tion options in CMS for edi­to­r­i­al content
  • Inte­gra­tion of CRM or API for own CRM
  • Flex­i­ble con­fig­u­ra­tion adjust­ments dur­ing operation
  • Real-time report­ing and busi­ness intelligence
  • Mul­ti­lin­gual­ism with DeepL API (26 languages)
  • Oper­a­tion as SaaS in Ger­many or on-premise installation
  • ful­ly DSG­VO com­pli­ant, DSG­VO audited
  • easy inte­gra­tion of pri­va­cy pol­i­cy, terms of use and imprint
  • oper­a­tion on ISO 27001 cer­ti­fied servers in Germany
  • Cook­ie con­sent solution

Long-stand­ing enter­prise cus­tomers ben­e­fit in oper­a­tional process­es from cus­tomized solu­tions such as a head­less CMS ser­vice, APIs for inte­grat­ing SAP inter­faces, and Key­cloak Sin­gle Sign-On (SSO) for smooth oper­a­tional processes.

dimedis smart.fair Magazin 2023

Detailed information about our digital services in our current “Fair Experience Magazine”

Our solu­tion incor­po­rates over 30 years of indus­try expe­ri­ence and devel­op­ment exper­tise. We offer trade fair and con­gress orga­niz­ers a trust­wor­thy part­ner in the devel­op­ment of future-ori­ent­ed applications.

  • Start Data Platform for Fair Experiences - new standards in data analysis and visitor experience
  • Introduction of business intelligence dashboards - generating valuable insights for exhibition companies
  • Introduction of ticket and voucher management for exhibitors

  • first digital self-service registration on site
  • Provide mobile entry solution for convenient trade show experience
  • Pioneering role in the launch of the first online ticket store on the market
  • With Digital Signage and WayFinding Innovation for Visitor Guidance
  • Development of the digital exhibitor catalog in web and on terminals on site
  • Introduction of an innovative visitor information system in cooperation with Messe Düsseldorf
  • Pioneering work in Germany - development of the first trade show website for drupa

No web­site can replace the per­son­al con­ver­sa­tion about needs and indi­vid­ual goals. We take our time, advise and act!


Georgi Mihov

Director Customer Empowerment
Get in touch
Thorsten Hilber

Thorsten Hilber

Director Sales FAIR

Mobile: +49 (0)1511 6479995
Get in touch


  • Ufi
  • Fama
  • Asset6368cbddcf6f28 82593082
  • Bitkom

The dimedis team is con­tin­u­ous­ly work­ing on solu­tions for our cus­tomers’ dig­i­tal edge. We sup­port exhi­bi­tion com­pa­nies in find­ing the opti­mal solu­tion for their needs.

Meet the team