Retail Experience


The dig­i­tal rev­o­lu­tion at the POS: Bring­ing the kind of vis­i­bil­i­ty into in-store shop­pers that was pre­vi­ous­ly only pos­si­ble in e‑commerce.

Data is the new cur­ren­cy. Now for retail, too. Deep insights into cus­tomer behav­ior have only been pos­si­ble in online retail. Now that is chang­ing. Our plat­form is help­ing brick-and-mor­tar retail­ers catch up. A sys­tem that con­tin­u­ous­ly col­lects, aggre­gates, ana­lyzes, and responds in real time to infor­ma­tion from dis­parate sources such as sen­sors, hard­ware, soft­ware, and POS sys­tems along the cus­tomer jour­ney at the POS. Made in Ger­many. Ful­ly com­pli­ant with data pri­va­cy laws.

Data-dri­ven trans­paren­cy: 

Data is the fuel of the future of retail. Pre­cise insights into your cus­tomers — at a lev­el of depth and detail pre­vi­ous­ly only pos­si­ble in eCom­merce.

Fas­ci­nat­ing insights. Valu­able pre­dic­tions:

Our solu­tions con­tin­u­ous­ly learn from cus­tomers’ shop­ping behav­ior, enabling tar­get­ed inter­ven­tions at every touch­point.

The end of the online advan­tage:

The store of the future knows its cus­tomers, com­mu­ni­cates with them con­stant­ly, and adapts to their needs based on data.

This will enable stores to grow con­sis­tent­ly and increase revenues.

book a free demo
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Gain insights

Every step in the store is a knowledge point. Our core tool gathers knowledge about customer behavior and interests along the customer journey at the POS. Invisibly and compliantly.

Kundenverhalten verstehen

Understand customer behavior

Identify and understand the customer at the POS. A solution that visually processes data in real time. Valuable insights for customer service and maximizing retailer profits.

Erloese Steigern 04

Increase revenue

Capitalize on digital revenue opportunities, increase merchandise sales, and lengthen customer stays: Leverage in-store customer data easily and intelligently to drive revenue.


  • Dig­i­tal Signage
  • ePa­per
  • Retail Plat­form
  • Retail Media
  • Pro­gram­mat­ic Advertising
  • Prox­im­i­ty Mar­ket­ing / Push Up Benachrichtigungen
  • Ana­lyt­ics

Tech Stack

  • Node JS
  • Kaf­ka
  • MySQL
  • Java
  • Key­cloak

Added val­ue

  • Under­stand­ing customers
  • Increas­ing sales
  • Cus­tomer loy­al­ty and per­son­al recommendations
  • Con­trol of dig­i­tal sig­nage & in-store radio
  • Play­out of all con­tent on all devices
  • Screen­time marketing
  • Data-dri­ven advertisements
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The retail plat­form enables flex­i­ble and mod­u­lar inte­gra­tion into the retail­er’s com­mu­ni­ca­tion work­flows and processes.

A web­site can­not replace a per­son­al con­ver­sa­tion about the stores of the future. We are hap­py to take the time to show excit­ing new pos­si­bil­i­ties and strate­gies, we advise and act!

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Patrick Schröder

Director Sales RETAIL & Digital Signage
Get in touch
Asset636d0276f37ca7 69828607

Jürgen Kraus

Senior Sales Manager
Get in touch


  • Bitkom
  • Dmi
  • EHI Logo

Clever minds and out­stand­ing devel­op­ers who rec­og­nize a need and find inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for the retail mar­ket. We think in visions and imple­ment strate­gi­cal­ly in mod­ules from the but­ton up.

The Team

dimedis smart.retail Magazin 2023

Detailed information on our in-store technologies in our current "Retail Experience Magazine".