
Your well-being is our top pri­or­i­ty and we firm­ly believe that you can devel­op best if your work­place also match­es your per­son­al pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. That’s why we’re con­stant­ly review­ing and devel­op­ing our work­place phi­los­o­phy — in con­sul­ta­tion with our team.

For exam­ple, you have the choice between PC or Mac, head­set or Ear­Pods, two, one or no exter­nal mon­i­tor, group work­room or office for two, sit­ting lounge or height-adjustable desk, sun or shade, foos­ball or table ten­nis, water or soft drink, tea or cof­fee. You decide every day anew and book your­self a place in the office via the online sys­tem to suit your project, accord­ing to your needs and spa­tial pref­er­ences, with team col­leagues or with­out.

And even at home, we help to make your work­place a pro­duc­tive place of well-being.