Gain insights

An in-store cus­tomer jour­ney assis­tant. Invis­i­ble, accu­rate and pri­va­cy compliant.

Like an invis­i­ble assis­tant, our tech­nol­o­gy mod­ules fol­low cus­tomers through the store. In the process, they gath­er pre­cise and valu­able infor­ma­tion about each indi­vid­u­al’s behav­ior and inter­ests. An ever-grow­ing com­bi­na­tion of mod­ules cap­tures valu­able data along the indi­vid­u­al’s jour­ney through the store. Store vis­i­tors are pre­sent­ed with a world of per­son­al­ized con­tent and real brand expe­ri­ences that inspire them.

A cus­tomer enters the store and is reg­is­tered at the first step by a 3D sen­sor and cam­era. The fin­ger­print mod­ule gen­er­ates a ran­dom ID. From then on, the invis­i­ble assis­tant is con­nect­ed to the cus­tomer and learns from the cus­tomer’s move­ment pat­terns and time spent through­out the store. The con­nec­tion remains con­stant even when the cus­tomer changes floors. Dur­ing the cus­tomer’s shop­ping expe­ri­ence, the Peo­ple Flow mod­ule simul­ta­ne­ous­ly col­lects infor­ma­tion such as the cur­rent num­ber of vis­i­tors, the occu­pan­cy of the var­i­ous zones, as well as para­me­ters such as gen­der and age, and even sub­tleties such as the direc­tion of gaze. The Lift & Learn mod­ule uses sen­sor tech­nol­o­gy to mea­sure the fre­quen­cy and dura­tion of inter­ac­tion with select­ed mer­chan­dise. Final­ly, the Cash Reg­is­ter mod­ule merges meta­da­ta from the cus­tomer and the check­out, pro­vid­ing key insights into which prod­ucts the cus­tomer was inter­est­ed in and which were actu­al­ly pur­chased. And at the end of the trans­ac­tion, the ran­dom­ly gen­er­at­ed ID is linked to the prod­ucts pur­chased. All of this is done in full com­pli­ance with pri­va­cy laws.

This inno­v­a­tive way of col­lect­ing data at the POS opens up enor­mous poten­tial. Retail­ers can under­stand their cus­tomers on the spot and then take tar­get­ed action to respond to their needs, retain them and increase sales.

Store cog­ni­tion networks:

  • Posi­tion of all customers
  • Age
  • Gen­der
  • Size
  • Prod­uct interest
  • Atten­tion span
  • Shop­ping basket


  • 3D Sen­sors
  • USB/IP-Kam­eras
  • Lift & Learn
  • Cash reg­is­ters

Select­ed partners:

  • Xovis
  • War­ri­fy
  • Pro­Tech
  • Nex­mos­phere
  • Philips
  • Sam­sung

Valu­able data is the basis for tak­ing advan­tage of inno­v­a­tive oppor­tu­ni­ties in the retail mar­ket. We are hap­py to advise our clients in this regard!

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dimedis smart.retail Magazin 2023

Detailed information on our in-store technologies in our current "Retail Experience Magazine".