Increase revenue

Cre­ate unique in-store expe­ri­ences. Increase propen­si­ty to buy. Cre­ate new rev­enue streams.

Our solu­tions pro­vide retail­ers with inno­v­a­tive ways to increase sales. They enhance the in-store expe­ri­ence and increase dwell time, increase sales through per­son­al­ized inter­ac­tion, and gen­er­ate new rev­enue streams through data-dri­ven dig­i­tal advertising. 

Increased mer­chan­dise sales can be achieved, for exam­ple, by automat­ing in-store dig­i­tal sig­nage. As cus­tomers enter the store, a screen dis­plays prod­ucts of inter­est to them. The approach is per­son­al­ized and the con­tent indi­vid­u­al­ized, as the cus­tomer’s inter­ests are rec­og­nized based on their shop­ping behav­ior. The Lift & Learn mod­ule plays addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion or a video when the cus­tomer picks up a prod­uct or removes it from the shelf. QR codes can be used to deliv­er pro­mo­tion­al mes­sages, addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion or dis­counts to increase sales.

Anoth­er fac­tor that has been proven to increase retail sales is the cus­tomer’s mood and length of stay in the store. To make the shop­ping expe­ri­ence as pleas­ant as pos­si­ble, the in-store mod­ule pro­vides a suit­able musi­cal back­ground. This has been shown to influ­ence mood, increase time spent in the store and impact sales. Dig­i­tal sig­nage automa­tion ensures that cus­tomers iden­ti­fy with the prod­ucts and are more like­ly to buy by play­ing images and mar­ket­ing mes­sages that are rel­e­vant to the tar­get audi­ence.

Anoth­er new rev­enue stream is the sale of in-store dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing space. The Pro­gram­mat­ic Adver­tis­ing mod­ule works with the dig­i­tal sig­nage soft­ware to auto­mate the deliv­ery of rel­e­vant con­tent. The Closed Shop mod­ule enables retail­ers to sell dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing space in-store, increas­ing brand vis­i­bil­i­ty at the POS and dri­ving rev­enue. The Retail Media mod­ule also lever­ages cus­tomer behav­ioral insights to cre­ate more effec­tive cam­paigns, whose impact can be mea­sured and opti­mized to prof­itably deploy adver­tis­ing resources and achieve the best pos­si­ble results.

Every cus­tomer is unique. To suc­ceed in the future, in-store cus­tomer engage­ment must be per­son­al­ized and engag­ing. Our solu­tions help retail­ers cre­ate unique shop­ping expe­ri­ences that delight cus­tomers and dri­ve sales.

Store con­trol:

  • Auto­mat­ed con­trol of dig­i­tal sig­nage sys­tem based on cus­tomer traffic
  • Real-time con­trol of in-store radio based on cus­tomer counts and demographics
  • Com­mu­ni­cate with cus­tomers even after they leave the store
  • Enhance the in-store experience

Retail Media – Pro­gram­mat­ic Advertising:

  • Auto­mat­ed mar­ket­ing of your adver­tis­ing space
  • Tar­get group ori­ent­ed playout

Retail Media – Closed Shops:

  • Com­plete con­trol over the mar­ket­ing of Screentime
  • Ded­i­cat­ed access for part­ners and suppliers
  • Trans­paren­cy of play­out and revenue

Now is the time for retail­ers to open new rev­enue streams with inno­v­a­tive soft­ware solu­tions. We take the time to con­sult with our customers!

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dimedis smart.retail Magazin 2023

Detailed information on our in-store technologies in our current "Retail Experience Magazine".