Magic Mirror – Fashion

It’s a kind of mag­ic” — our Mag­ic Mir­ror solu­tion offers retail­ers and their cus­tomers spe­cial added val­ue. The Mag­ic Mir­ror is not only capa­ble of play­ing nor­mal dig­i­tal sig­nage con­tent, but also offers the cus­tomer the pos­si­bil­i­ty to record a video of him­self. The video allows him to see him­self from the side or from behind, and to share his cat­walk” via a down­load on social media channels. 

The Mag­ic Mir­ror auto­mat­i­cal­ly detects that a per­son is stand­ing in front of the mir­ror and offers the ser­vice via a unique QR code. Using the web app, the cus­tomer com­mu­ni­cates local­ly with the play­er. The video is uploaded to a serv­er and is then avail­able for down­load for a short time.