nova: Retail Media-AdManager

With nova, the inno­v­a­tive retail media tool for the effi­cient mar­ket­ing of dig­i­tal sig­nage net­works and on elec­tron­ic shelf labels (ESLs), clas­sic con­tent can be seam­less­ly com­bined with retail media on one screen.

Spe­cial­ly devel­oped for self-mar­ket­ing and exter­nal adver­tis­ing, nova can be used to cre­ate and man­age adver­tis­ing cam­paigns in a mat­ter of sec­onds with­out in-depth tech­ni­cal know-how. 

New rev­enue streams are cre­at­ed through tar­get­ed, data-based adver­tis­ing at the point of sale, offer­ing min­i­mal wastage and max­i­mum vis­i­bil­i­ty. Com­pre­hen­sive report­ing and mon­i­tor­ing ensure smooth oper­a­tion, while the intu­itive user inter­face makes it quick and easy to get started.

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Sim­ple reservation

Cam­paigns can be cre­at­ed and reserved in just a few sec­onds — regard­less of whether the con­tent is already avail­able. The user-friend­ly process enables a quick start and is suit­able even for tech­ni­cal­ly inex­pe­ri­enced users.

Real-time uti­liza­tion feedback

Dur­ing the cre­ation of a cam­paign, nova pro­vides direct feed­back on the avail­abil­i­ty of the desired cri­te­ria. Users receive infor­ma­tion on whether adjust­ments need to be made to tar­get groups, store uti­liza­tion or time slots. This makes the cam­paign plan­ning process effi­cient and targeted.

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Flex­i­ble mar­ket­ing models

nova sup­ports two types of mar­ket­ing that can be con­fig­ured individually:

CPM (thou­sand-con­tact price): Cus­tomers pay a fixed amount for 1,000 con­tacts and can flex­i­bly define the desired reach. The con­tact rate is deter­mined based on sen­sor data and mul­ti­pli­ers that record the aver­age num­ber of peo­ple per screen.

SoV (Share of Voice): The avail­able adver­tis­ing time is divid­ed into equal shares. Cus­tomers pur­chase slots, the num­ber of which deter­mines the fre­quen­cy with which they are played.

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Editabil­i­ty of campaigns

Cam­paigns remain flex­i­ble: con­tent can be adapt­ed or replaced at any time up to the start date. This offers max­i­mum con­trol and adapt­abil­i­ty for advertisers.

Dynam­ic time shares in the network

nova enables a per­cent­age dis­tri­b­u­tion of air­time between clas­sic dig­i­tal sig­nage and retail media. For exam­ple, com­pa­nies can play out inter­nal con­tent in the morn­ing and split the air­time 50/50 between inter­nal con­tent and retail media in the afternoon.

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  • XXX Lutz Logo
  • POCO Logo

Maximum success! Can be combined with these products:

  • kompas digital signage software

    Per­fect inter­ac­tion with kom­pas, the opti­mal solu­tion for time-sav­ing and effec­tive man­age­ment of dig­i­tal sig­nage net­works. Our solu­tion has been con­tin­u­ous­ly devel­oped since 2005 and is very intu­itive to use. In addi­tion, nova can also work with oth­er con­tent man­age­ment systems.

  • atlas Retail Platform

    nova works hand in hand with atlas, the next-gen­er­a­tion AI-pow­ered retail plat­form. atlas com­bines all data streams in a com­pre­hen­sive dash­board for tar­get­ed adver­tis­ing and real-time monitoring.

We are pleased to present the new retail media tool nova and its excit­ing possibilities.

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Patrick Schröder

Director Sales RETAIL & Digital Signage
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