Understand customer behavior

Kundenverhalten verstehen

Lever­age valu­able data. Gain deep insight into cus­tomer behav­ior. Apply knowl­edge in a tar­get­ed way.

Lever­age insights: At every touch­point in the cus­tomer jour­ney, store vis­i­tors leave a data point about them­selves through their inter­ac­tions. Our solu­tions turn these impuls­es into valu­able insights. Retail­ers are empow­ered to inter­pret cus­tomer behav­ior, under­stand what they want, and act accord­ing­ly.

At the POS, our retail ana­lyt­ics solu­tion acts as an invis­i­ble track­ing assis­tant, pro­cess­ing data into a clear, visu­al dash­board. This means you can accu­rate­ly track cus­tomer behav­ior and inter­ests in real time, even across mul­ti­ple loca­tions. Paths, dwell times, inter­ac­tion times with indi­vid­ual prod­ucts, and final pur­chas­es are just some of the data that pro­vide impor­tant insights, both indi­vid­u­al­ly and in com­bi­na­tion.

Con­tin­u­ous analy­sis and com­par­i­son of cus­tomer behav­ior and adver­tis­ing mes­sages at the POS ensures that the data is always up to date. All of this infor­ma­tion can be used to iden­ti­fy impor­tant pat­terns, under­stand cus­tomers in detail, and act on that knowl­edge.

Our inno­v­a­tive soft­ware solu­tions enable state-of-the-art data-dri­ven strate­gies to catch up with the trans­paren­cy advan­tage of the e‑commerce world. Retail­ers can use all these data-dri­ven insights to clear­ly iden­ti­fy cus­tomer pref­er­ences, plan effec­tive mar­ket­ing cam­paigns, and increase profits.

Data com­bi­na­tion:

  • Real insight into cus­tomer shop­ping behavior
  • Com­bine move­ment pat­terns with the shop­ping cart
  • Increase adver­tis­ing effectiveness
  • Per­sona of indi­vid­ual products

Ana­lyt­ics / Insights:

  • Peo­ple Flow
  • Buy­ing Behavior
  • Prod­uct interest
  • Play­out of adver­tis­ing campaigns
  • Ear­ly warn­ing detection

All infor­ma­tion is col­lect­ed and processed in com­pli­ance with DSG­VO. We offer the high­est data security.

We’d love to show you how our solu­tions can be used to under­stand and act on cus­tomer behavior!

Arrange a free demo