Retail Experience

Slider Lutz new

A central pan-European digital signage solution for XXXLutz

With a turnover of over 5 bil­lion euros, more than 25,700 employ­ees, over 320 fur­ni­ture stores in 13 Euro­pean coun­tries, and brands such as XXXLutz, Möbe­lix, and Mömax, the XXXLutz Group is one of the largest fur­ni­ture retail­ers in the world. The com­pa­ny relies on our kom­pas soft­ware solu­tion for to mod­ern­ize its cus­tomer communication.
Product retail


  • Inte­gra­tor: Radio P.O.S.
  • Con­sul­tant Experience: Qom­m­mu­ni­cate! GmbH
  • Hard­ware: u. a. Sam­sung Displays


XXXLutz gave us the task of merg­ing the pre­vi­ous multi­na­tion­al dig­i­tal sig­nage sys­tems for dis­plays, video walls, out­door ste­les, etc. and inte­grat­ing inter­ac­tive ser­vice ter­mi­nals and com­plex prod­uct con­fig­u­ra­tors in the process. The focus was also on eco­nom­ic fac­tors, i.e. no addi­tion­al major hard­ware invest­ments and a sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tion in main­te­nance costs.


Our Soft­ware as a Ser­vice (SaaS) is already being used by XXXLutz in more than 2,000 instances at var­i­ous inter­na­tion­al loca­tions — and the num­ber of instal­la­tions is con­stant­ly grow­ing. It forms the basis and the struc­ture for a multi­na­tion­al net­work with all the roles, chan­nels, and tech­ni­cal pre­sets. XXXLutz is able to use the exist­ing oper­at­ing sys­tem for the installed Sam­sung dis­plays with our solu­tion for con­tent play­out — addi­tion­al mini PCs are not required. Our cri­te­ria book­ing sys­tem also allows for nation­al themed chan­nels, loca­tion-based dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion, and spe­cif­ic user roles via rights management.