Retail platform

Retail Platform

While large e‑commerce plat­forms know the inter­ests of their cus­tomers, the POS-world looks dif­fer­ent. With the help of our plat­form we want to help retail stores to cre­ate equal oppor­tu­ni­ties — and all of this in com­pli­ance with the GDPR.

We under­stand retail and offer the right solu­tion along the entire cus­tomer jour­ney at the POS. In this con­text, the dimedis Retail Plat­form enables the con­sol­i­da­tion of all rel­e­vant data and insights along the omnichan­nel cus­tomer journey.

Our tech­nolo­gies, from intel­li­gent state of the art sen­sor tech­nol­o­gy to the dig­i­tal receipt, offers the pos­si­bil­i­ty to ana­lyze the cus­tomer in a mul­ti-lay­ered way and to act with the help of the acquired, GDPR-com­pli­ant data. 

This enables our sys­tem to com­mu­ni­cate with the cus­tomer in real time about per­son­al­ized con­tent, and it con­tin­ues to learn from shop­ping behav­ior to make valu­able predictions.

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