Retail Experience
Finding paths & understanding interests at Abu Dhabi Mall
- Integrator: FANNA Technology, Abu Dhabi
- Hardware: 15 x 55“ Touchscreens with integrated PC
In addition to the English language, it was essential for the operators to offer the system in Arabic. This had a considerable influence on the design of the user interface: all buttons and information texts had to be readable from left to right as well as from right to left, and the design could not be impaired by this.
The system also had to serve as a source of information not only for the visitors, but also for the operator: What and how do visitors search? Which stores are searched for particularly frequently or rarely? At what times is the system used and how much?
More than 1,000 visitors use the system every day to get information about stores, products and services via the intuitive “LogoCloud” developed by dimedis. In the backend, it is precisely logged which search terms lead to nowhere there and do not deliver any matching deals. Using an intuitive interface, employees in the marketing department now assign the search terms to one or more stores. In this way, the system is constantly learning. Of course, the behavior of visitors to the mall is also documented and evaluated in order to further improve services and the selection of stores.