Retail Experience

SPAR trusts dimedis for its employees and customers

SPAR has been the mar­ket leader in the gro­cery retail trade since 2020. It oper­ates over 3,000 gro­cery stores (Spar, Despar, Spar-Gourmet, Spar City, etc.) as well as 30 shop­ping malls, and 250 sports retail­ers. Our dig­i­tal sig­nage soft­ware is used in sev­er­al of these busi­ness areas.
Product retail


  • Inte­gra­tor: Peak­me­dia
  • Hard­ware: Philips, Sam­sung, etc.
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A par­tic­u­lar­ly flex­i­ble Con­tent Man­age­ment Sys­tem was sought as well as a reli­able dig­i­tal sig­nage solu­tion, to simul­ta­ne­ous­ly play out adverts at the POS, guide vis­i­tors through the huge shop­ping malls, and keep thou­sands of employ­ees con­stant­ly up to date with all the required information.


SPAR pur­pose­ful­ly played out its mes­sages at the point of sale using our dig­i­tal sig­nage soft­ware. Our touch­screen sys­tem is already in oper­a­tion in ten of the SPAR Euro­pean Shop­ping Cen­ters, where they are being suc­ces­sive­ly sup­ple­ment­ed with wayfind­ing. This enables us to not only guide vis­i­tors quick­ly to their goal, but also gath­er valu­able insight for SPAR about vis­i­tor num­bers, prod­uct inter­est etc. Ulti­mate­ly, we feed over 17,000 employ­ees with the inter­ac­tive employ­ee infor­ma­tion sys­tem every day, with every­thing from inter­nal news to weath­er reports — and we also pro­vide access to sched­ules, data­bas­es, and e‑learning.