Digital Signage

Our kom­pas con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem fol­lows the prin­ci­ple of Data Dri­ven Sig­nage”. By com­bin­ing all rel­e­vant data, we gain impor­tant insights into behav­ior along the omnichan­nel cus­tomer journey.

Via the dimedis Retail Plat­form, kom­pas and every dig­i­tal sig­nage CMS is in per­ma­nent con­tact in order to play out tar­get­ed cam­paigns using appro­pri­ate para­me­ters and databases. 

In addi­tion, the dig­i­tal sig­nage soft­ware kom­pas offers you the pos­si­bil­i­ty to adapt the con­tent to diverse data streams and to tap fur­ther rev­enue sources through retail media budgets.

dimedis Lösun­gen: